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“Improving diversity in the video game industry includes the people who are making the games we all love to play” - Nigel Twumasi, mayamada

Our Mission
We launched this campaign so that future generations of talent will know there is a place for them in the games industry. Empowering them to be an active part of shaping the future of gaming.
Our GamePad events have been a platform for promoting inclusion and diversity in video games since 2015. In 2020 we joined Ukie’s #RaiseTheGame pledge and created an online experience that has allowed us to bring awareness to the diversity of roles and people that exist in gaming today.
To do this we have selected 40 people, made up of players and makers, to be part of a photo campaign around the message “Do I Look Like A Gamer?”.
The question is designed to provoke thought and reflection within video games, forcing organisations to genuinely consider the type of people they are employing and the people who play their games.
Photos of the 40 will be showcased to inspire young people from underrepresented groups, who will be able to gain valuable insight into career paths in the industry and connect with professionals and peers in a way that will raise aspiration and push progress in gaming.
We want to make a long-lasting impact so that the young people with aspirations of getting into the industry at the end of this decade are much better represented than they are today.

Ready to Change the Face of Gaming?
Whether you’re elbow deep in code, creating content, building communities or simply passionate about playing – your presence matters. We’re looking for people across London and Northern England who want to share their gaming story and show the world what a gamer really looks like.
Join us in celebrating the true diversity of gaming culture by being part of the Campaign 40 Players & Makers sharing your favourite platform and your story.

"Do I Look Like A Gamer?"

Campaign Supporters
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Our Team
Meet the core team behind the
"Do I Look Like A Gamer?" Campaign.


